There’s no question that we’re living in a Golden Age for beer diversity, quality and, hey, just plain enjoyment. Case in point: A trip to the Brewers Association’s annual Great American Beer Festival offers access to more than 3,500 pours from across the U.S., and that’s still just a sampling of what’s out there. There are many more domestic and imported beers in market today, making it a nearly impossible—yet enticing—task to try and taste them all.
Our annual Top 25 list is culled from the beers reviewed throughout the year for our Beer Buying Guide. This list is not the top 25 beers of all time, but instead represents the most exciting selections tasted over the past 12 months.
Like the beers themselves, the list is all about balance. Ratings and pricing play important roles, but also considered is the representation of various brands, styles, countries, production sizes and availability.
Continuing previous years’ trends, the majority of beers submitted and reviewed in 2017 were domestic, as the American cra -brewing scene continues to thrive. That being said, there are some stellar international bottlings included, like our number one pick of the year, from Belgium’s iconic Rodenbach Brewery.
Go ahead, explore the list, and toast to the 25 best of the beer year.
Wine Enthusiast Podcast: The Lowdown on 2017’s Best Wine, Beer & Spirits