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Courtesy Jennie Wilson, proprietor/bar manager, 11th mile, Fredericton, New Brunswick

“This cocktail, perfect for winter months, uses New Brunswick’s Grimross Braunschweig Pilsner, a clean and refreshing German-style beer,” says Wilson. “When brewer Stephen Dixon introduced it to me, the citrus notes jumped out as a perfect finish for this cocktail. It’s a match made in heaven.”


¾ ounce Dark Rum
¾ ounce pineapple juice
¾ ounce cinnamon syrup (see below)
½ ounce Cynar 
½ ounce lemon juice 
¾ ounce Pilsner 
⅜ teaspoon kosher salt


In cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine first five ingredients. Shake well, then strain into rocks glass over fresh ice. Top with beer and salt.

Cinnamon Syrup

Boil 4-5 cinnamon sticks and 2 cups sugar in 2 cups water. Let sit overnight. Strain solids and transfer syrup to clean container. Will keep up to 2 weeks, refrigerated.