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Love Easter Candy? The Cadbury Egg Cocktail Is for You

With spring around the corner, Easter is officially on the horizon, which means—much to the delight of the sugar-addled masses—the arrival of Cadbury Creme Eggs. The beloved seasonal candy, a chocolate egg-shaped confection with a yolk-like fondant center, went on to worldwide adoration after its introduction in the United Kingdom in 1963. Inevitably, the beloved seasonal candy’s arrival each year translates to a blast of attention on social media, and with it, the creation of Cadbury Crème Egg-spiked cocktails. (We don’t make the rules, people.)

If grinding actual candy into your drinks doesn’t sound appealing, we’ve got you. There are ways to enjoy candy-inspired cocktails without using literal candy.

Case in point: Our Cadbury Egg cocktail. Astute readers of the recipe will note that there’s nary a candy to be found in the list of ingredients. (We’re not counting the chocolate syrup rim, because who doesn’t love a chocolate syrup rim?) Instead, the drink calls on white creme de cacao, a sweet liqueur that adds chocolate flavor and body, and white chocolate liqueur, which delivers aromatic notes and cocoa butter flavor. Advocaat, a traditional Dutch beverage that marries eggs, sugar and brandy, provides a custard-like consistency, while half-and-half ensures a creamy base. Vanilla vodka adds an aromatic kick.

How to Make a Cadbury Egg Cocktail

Recipe by Jacy Topps


Chocolate syrup, to rim glass
1 ½ ounce vanilla vodka
1 ounce white creme de cacao
1 ounce white chocolate liqueur
½ ounce Advocaat liqueur
½ cup half-and-half


rim of glass getting coated in chocolate ot make a Creme Egg Cocktail

Spread chocolate syrup on a small plate. Dip the rim of the cocktail glass in the chocolate syrup. Set aside.

making a Creme Egg Cocktail

In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine vanilla vodka, white creme de cacao, white chocolate liqueur, Advocaat and half-and-half. Shake well to combine, about 30 seconds.

Pouring a Creme Egg Cocktail

Strain into cocktail glass. Serve immediately.