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Courtesy Natasha David, co-owner, Nitecap, New York City

This is a cobbler-style drink—a 19th-century cocktail served over crushed or pebble ice. They were often served with an elaborate garnish, so don’t skimp on the mint bouquet! This version starts with a base of rich sweet vermouth, given additional depth by small amounts of orange marmalade and Branca Menta, a minty amaro.


2 ounces sweet vermouth, like Carpano Antica Formula
¾ ounces lemon juice
½ ounce simple syrup
1 teaspoon Fernet Branca Menta
1 teaspoon orange marmalade
Mint bouquet (for garnish)


In cocktail shaker with ice, combine ingredients (except garnish). Shake well, then strain into rocks glass over crushed ice. Garnish with mint bouquet.